Monday, October 19, 2009


Did you know it takes 3,500 deficit to lose 1 pound? So with exercise and a focused diet, you can create your goal of weightloss!

What happens when calories are too low for too long?

1) Muscle mass is broken down for energy (catabolism).
2) Metabolic rate will begin to drop (typically) after 3 days of very low calories- this is related to, and compounded by the loss of muscle mass.
3) With very low calories you risk sluggishness, nutritional deficiencies, fatigue, and often irritability. You are completely set-up for a regain in fat if you suddenly return to your previous eating patterns.

Ways to boost your metabolism.

- Increasing cardio
- Weight training
-Cheat meals (ocassional high-calorie mealsDon't forget adequate sleep and hydration play an important role to weight loss.
Don't forget adequate sleep and hydration play an important role to weight loss.

Lose Fat and Buld Muscle

- Plan your meals each day! (the day of or week before)
- Eat 5-6 small meals a day (each "meal" roughly consisting of about 200-350 calories (estimated). Eating more often will allow your body to burn those calories instead of putting your body in starvation mode to store fat.
- Exercise regularly
- Building muscle burns fat
- Wear a body bugg. It's No mystery! It tells you EXACTLY what your body outputs for calories and shows you the exact plan for weight loss.
(Right nowChalene Johnson has a special discount available for them!) Check it out on

These are the Beachbody products I use that have helped me get back in shape

- Chalean Extreme
- Turbo Jam
- Shakeology (1-2x's a day!)
- Hand Weighted Gloves during my workouts.

Hate eating Fruits and Vegetables??

No problem, get all your daily requirements just in 1 shake.
Shakeology is used as a meal replacement, a protein shake, a meal for on the go, as well as to feed your body with the rarest fruits and vegetables!
Let me know if you need help with products or getting motivated!If you are looking to be more accountable or share your success with others and make a income while doing it, you should consider becoming a coach. Ask me how :-)

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